Research shows that stress and other mental health-related challenges in employees result in huge human and financial costs to employers in the form of:

  • Increased sickness absence
  • Increased presenteeism
  • Increased staff turnover etc.
  • Reduced organizational productivity and employee performance

Conditions ranging from stress and burn out to anxiety and depression in varying degrees of intensity have been linked to work. A more proactive approach to managing mental health in the workplace will benefit employers and employees collectively. Providing education and training in the workplace regarding Mental Health is a sure way to promote organizational mental health and wellbeing. Educating employees increases self-awareness and encourages individuals to take steps to protect their own mental health and wellbeing both at work and outside work or seek professional help where necessary. Educating Managers and Supervisors equips them to provide more enabling and inclusive work environments that promote the overall well-being of employees.

As an Occupational Health service provider focused on optimizing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, we deliver a variety of evidence-based interventions to help you promote a high level of mental health and wellbeing within your organization. Some of our Workplace Mental Health Services include: